General Information

Keys and ID

Residents will be issued one key, which will open the outer door to their suite and their assigned bedroom. It is the resident’s responsibility to carry their keys and MCC Student ID at all times and present IDs when requested by a college official, member of the Housing and Residence Life staff or employee of the Monroe Community College Association, Inc. Residents must report lost/stolen keys to a Resident Director or the Office of Housing and Residence Life immediately. The resident will sign out a temporary key until the lock change is completed. A locksmith will change the locks on the suite door and all bedroom doors in the suite within a reasonable timeframe of the resident reporting the key lost or stolen. In addition, all suitemates will be issued a new key. If a room/suite key is lost/stolen, the entire suite must have a lock change. A lock change fee of $175.00 for will be billed to the resident for immediate payment to Campus Center Service Desk (Building 3 Atrium). There will be no refund once a lock change has been requested.

Lost mailbox keys will be replaced for a fee of $25.00 and will be billed to the resident for immediate payment to Campus Center Service Desk. Failure to return keys at the time of checkout will result in lock change fees. Residents may not allow anyone to borrow their housing issued keys or student ID card. Duplication and unauthorized use or possession of college or residence hall keys is prohibited. Violation of these policies will result in student conduct action.

Residents must use their student ID card to gain access to the residence halls. A lost/stolen/broken ID card may be replaced for a fee of $10.00 through Photo ID located in Building 3 room 139A. Photo ID may be reached at (585) 292-2555. If you have any issues with your student ID, please contact your Resident Director or the Office of Housing and Residence Life for assistance.

Lock Blocks

Lock blocks may be placed in all suites and/or unoccupied rooms of suites during break periods. The Department of Housing and Residence Life reserves the right to place lock blocks on resident rooms and/or suites for failed response to official communication attempts by the college or Monroe Community College Association, Inc. personnel or at any other time deemed necessary by the aforementioned parties. A notice will be placed in the student’s mailbox to inform the resident(s) of what action needs to take place to regain entry to their room/suite. Attempts to gain access to a suite or room while a lock block is in place may result in damage to the door or lock. All damage will be charged to the responsible party and student conduct l action will apply as well.


Residents who are locked out should contact an RA. If an RA cannot be contacted, the resident should contact an RD. If an RD cannot be contacted, the resident should contact Public Safety at (585) 292-2912. Student ID must be presented at the time of the lockout. Housing and Residence Life staff members will only let residents into their assigned room. Staff members will not give residents access to other resident’s rooms. Staff will not unlock doors for guests. Upon the assistance for each lockout by a staff member, the resident will be required to verify that they are in possession of their keys. Residents who cannot produce their keys may be charged for a lock change. Lockout assistance will be completed at the earliest time feasible to the Housing and Residence Life staff or Public Safety. Leaving room/suite doors unlocked is dangerous and also places all suitemates’ belongings at risk.

Maintenance Problems

If any Monroe Community College Association, Inc. property in a room/suite needs repair, residents must visit the MCC Facilities website ( to submit a work order online. Residents failing to report maintenance problems could be held responsible for any resulting damages. All repairs must be done by authorized college personnel only. Any unauthorized repairs may result in judicial action. If the request has not been completed within five (5) working days or if you are unable to log into the website, please notify an RD. For all after-hours maintenance-related emergencies, contact Public Safety from the halls (585) 292-2911. All maintenance requests will be addressed as soon as possible; higher priority is given to more severe repairs.

Mandatory Hall / Floor Meetings

During the semester, certain floor and hall meetings will be designated as “mandatory” by the Housing and Residence Life staff. Residents must attend mandatory hall/floor meetings with their Resident Assistant and/or Resident Director. Failure to attend these meetings could result in missing out on valuable information and it will be the responsibility of the resident to get the information. Residents will be held accountable for any information disseminated. Many meetings are not mandatory; however, it is highly recommended that residents attend all meetings on their floor and for the hall so that they are aware of all information that is being provided for their benefit.

Medical Transport Policy

If you are transported to the hospital for any reason, you are required to follow up with the appropriately recommended office upon your return. Depending upon the severity or nature of the incident, follow up may be required prior to your re-admittance to the residence halls and parents/guardians may be contacted by college or residence life staff. Additionally, conduct sanctions could be assigned for transports that occur as a result of policy violations.

Publicity and Posting

The Department of Housing and Residence Life must approve all promotional material posted or distributed in the residence halls. Only events that meet one or more of the following criteria will be allowed to be advertised in the residence halls:

  • Sponsored by a recognized MCC club, organization, or department. “Sponsored” means to have a financial and/or production involvement with the event
  • A function taking place on any MCC campus

Materials in violation of the above policy will be removed. Promotional materials for other area college events or non-college groups may be posted in the residence halls with permission from the Director of Housing and Residence Life or his/her designee.

General Posting Specifications

  • The standard size of 8.5 by 11” for flyers is encouraged
  • 22” by 28” is the maximum size allowed for any flyers or posters
  • Publicity/Posters will be secured with tacks or approved tape only
  • Publicity/Posters are not permitted on glass, painted areas, wood, or metal/concrete pillars or walls, except in designated areas, unless otherwise approved by a Resident Director
  • Discriminatory or derogatory material based on race, ethnic origin, gender, disability, age, religion, or sexual orientation will not be accepted or tolerated
  • Posting should not imply the consumption of alcohol or contain sexually explicit material
  • It is the responsibility of the requesting person or group to make the appropriate number of copies needed for posting or distribution
  • Nothing should be slid under room/suite doors or posted in the front doors of any building or on individual suite or room doors
  • Graphics should be clear, concise and appropriate, in accordance with the previously stated items
  • Nothing can be placed in mailboxes unless each item is addressed to a specific building and mailbox number

Please go to the MCC Student Code of Conduct webpage to view the College’s Code of Conduct.